

Kársnes valið til þátttöku í Nordic Built Cities skipulagssamkeppninni

Í dag kynnti Norræni nýsköpunarsjóðurinn hvaða svæði hafa verið valin til þátttöku í norrænu skipulagssamkeppninni Nordic Built Cities Challenge. Frá Íslandi varð fyrir valinu svæði á Kársnesi í Kópavogi.  

Í maí rann út frestur til að tilnefna landsvæði á Norðurlöndunum til þátttöku í Nordic Built Cities Challenge skipulagssamkeppninni. Alls bárust 37 tilnefningar, þar af fimm frá Íslandi. Nú hefur dómnefnd valið sex svæði til þátttöku í samkeppninni, eitt í hverju landi (Danmörku, Finnlandi, Færeyjum, Íslandi, Noregi og Svíþjóð). Eins og áður segir er það svæði á Kársnesi í Kópavogi sem dómnefndin valdi úr hópi tilnefndra svæða hér á landi. Um það segir í niðurstöðu dómnefndar:


Karsnes is a former harbour area of about 15.000 square metres, with about 260 inhabitants. Currently, the area is partially dilapidated, with limited peripheral industries and is in dire need of revitalisation and better public transportation in order to attract people and create a pedestrian-friendly and liveable community.


The redevelopment of the Karsnes harbour area is an opportunity to improve sustainability of the urban fabric and expand the range of transportation, employment, and housing choices. The goal for the proposal is a higher density neighbourhood with mixed land use of housing, recreational areas and services, emphasising flexible housing that accommodates different needs over the lifecycle. The redevelopment allows for buildings on the site to be modified and/or demolished.


Developing a former harbour/industrial area into a mixed used city location is no doubt an opportunity for the municipality. Many urban spaces around the world that face similar challenges. If the project is well managed and implemented, it may serve as valuable model for many other municipalities around the world. The wording of the proposal suggests strong commitment to the Charter principles and the potential for innovative solutions. It seems to be an inclusive proposal that is likely to be achieved within a reasonable time. Moreover, the project includes a wide range of disciplines.

Nánar um Nordic Built Cities Challenge og næstu skref í verkefninu, sjá vef Nordic Built Cities og eldri frétt Skipulagsstofnunar.